
Emilia, ao vivo, da tempestade de inverno

Hoje a Emilia, 8 anos, fez uma redação em forma de reportagem na escola e trouxe para mim. Vai em inglês mesmo, para a família ver como essa bipinha está escrevendo bem (diz, imparcial e objetivamente, a avó coruja).
Bam, splat, crunch, boom! went the rain and ice. It was about 6:00 AM. I knew it was not time to get out of bed yet, so I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. My thoughts were set on Monday. Monday was the beginning of "Ice Storm 2007". We had little pieces of ice on our deck! I so carried off in my thoughts that I soon dozed off.

The next day we played in the snow with our neighbors, it was really grand! Due to the weather, we got a whole other day off! Wow! That was cool news! For the next day we played in the not-so-icy-but-still-ice kind of ice. There was no snow. I had a great time, it was really fun! I hope we have another one soon! (Reporting from Ice Storm 2007)
Não ficou ótimo? Não mudei nem precisei consertar nenhuma palavra... :-)

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